数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Fully rosin-based epoxy vitrimers with high mechanical and thermostability properties, thermo-healing and closed-loop recycling

编号 020037305

推送时间 20221212

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Fully rosin-based epoxy vitrimers with high mechanical and thermostability properties, thermo-healing and closed-loop recycling



发表时间 20221018

关键词 Epoxy vitrimer;  Thermo-healing;  Mechanical properties;  Recycling;  Rosin; 

摘要 Bio-massed epoxy vitrimers are significant for sustainable industrial development, however, most of them show low mechanical properties and thermostability. The rosin derivates with rigid hydrophenanthrene framework have been synthesized as epoxy monomer and curing agent, for preparation of fully rosin-based epoxy vitrimer networks with dynamic beta-hydroxy ester bonds. Meanwhile, to further improve mechanical properties and thermostability of the networks, zinc acetylacetonate was coordinated with the network by interaction of zinc metal with carbonyl group in the networks. The obtained fully rosin-based epoxy vitrimers have been charac-terized by FTIR, SEM, and DMA measurements. The obtained networks possess the higher mechanical properties (tensile strength = 40.8 MPa, toughness = 10.77 MJ/m(3)) and thermostability (T-5d = similar to 270 degrees C) than these of vegetable oil-based epoxy vitrimers. Moreover, the performances of thermo-healing, welding, shape memory, physical and chemical recycling have been investigated. Present results demonstrate obtained epoxy vitrimers with good functionalities. In addition, fully rosin-based epoxy vitrimers display an excellent degradability under ethylene glycol solvent and can be applied as environmentally friendly materials.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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