数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Investigation of Impact Properties of Carboxylated-terminated Liquid Acrylonitrile Rubber and Cerium Oxide Nano Double-toughened Epoxy Resin

编号 020038002

推送时间 20230130

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Investigation of Impact Properties of Carboxylated-terminated Liquid Acrylonitrile Rubber and Cerium Oxide Nano Double-toughened Epoxy Resin



发表时间 20221207

关键词 carboxylated-terminated liquid acrylonitrile rubber;  cerium oxide nano;  double toughening;  epoxy resin;  impact strength; 

摘要 The excellent physical properties of epoxy resin are not available in other thermoplastic materials, but the toughness of pure species samples is relatively poor. In this experiment, epoxy resin was toughened by adding carboxylated-terminated liquid acrylonitrile rubber and cerium oxide nanoparticles. The samples were subjected to performance tests, including impact tests, scanning electron microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Thermal stability analysis. Based on the analysis of the performance test results, the best toughening mass ratio of the raw material of the double toughened epoxy resin was obtained. The mass ratio of epoxy resin to double toughening agent was 4 : 1. In the double toughening agent, the mass ratio of carboxylated-terminated liquid acrylonitrile rubber to cerium oxide nano was 4 : 1. The impact strength of the double toughened epoxy resin at the optimum toughened mass ratio can reach 31.77 KJ/m(2). This is an impact strength increase of 692 % compared with the pure epoxy resin.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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