3.粪污“重生”促绿色发展 跨两大关卡破资源化难题
4.Farmers Union to power transition to homegrown renewable energy
5.Biofuel groups urge EPA to set stronger cellulosic RFS targets
1.Optimization of sawmill residues collection for bioenergy production
2.Factors affecting utilization of woody residues for bioenergy production in the southern United States
3.Evaluation of different agricultural residues as raw materials for pulp and paper production using a semichemical process
4.Regional optimization of new straw power plants with greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals: A comparison of different logistics modes
5.Fuzzy spatial decision tool to rank suitable sites for allocation of bioenergy plants based on crop residue
6.Re-homogenization of phase separated forest residue pyrolysis oil by blending
7.Optimized removal of oxytetracycline and cadmium from contaminated waters using chemically-activated and pyrolyzed biochars from forest and wood-processing residues
8.Techno-economic estimation of the power generation potential from biomass residues in Southeast Asia
1.Fuel pellet comprising an agricultural biomass
2.Systems and methods for producing fuels from biomass
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