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编号 lyqk008889

中文标题 广西干热河谷地带引种竹种适应性及其出笋特性

作者 莫明锋 

作者单位 百色市林业科学研究所 广西百色 533021

期刊名称 世界竹藤通讯 

年份 2021 

卷号 19

期号 3

栏目名称 学术园地 

中文摘要 在广西百色右江干热河谷地带引种55个竹种,初步研究了竹种的适应性及其生长状况。结果表明,引种的55个竹种,总体成活率在80%以上,保存率在60%以上,均正常萌发出笋,初步表明这些竹种可适于右江干热河谷区域种植。对成活率和保存率均为100%的15个竹种调查其栽植当年的出笋量及笋生长状况,结果显示,15个竹种间出笋量和生长指标存在极显著差异(P<0.01),银丝竹的出笋量最大,发笋能力最强;龙头竹、金秀甜竹、黄金间碧玉竹、大绿竹4个竹种笋生长量较大,可作为材用竹种发展;紫线青皮竹的出笋量、笋生长量均相对较大,为比较理想的高经济价值竹种。

关键词 竹种  引种  适应性  出笋能力  干热河谷地带  广西百色 

基金项目 中央预算内投资计划项目-广西国家林木种质资源库建设项目(2017-450000-02-01-000800)。

英文标题 Adaptability and Shooting Characteristics of Bamboo Species Introduced in Dry-Hot Valley of Guangxi

作者英文名 Mo Mingfeng

单位英文名 Baise Forestry Research Institute, Baise 533021, Guangxi, China

英文摘要 Fifty-five bamboo species are introduced in the dry-hot valley of Youjiang River in Baise city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to study their adaptability and growth. The results show that the total survival rate and the saving rate of 55 introduced bamboo species is over 80% and over 60%, respectively, and all the bamboo can shoot normally, which indicate that the introduced bamboo species are suitable for growing in the dry-hot valley of Youjiang River. For 15 bamboo species which have 100% survival rate and saving rate, the shooting number and the shoot growth in the year of planting are investigated. The results show that there are significant differences in the shooting number and growth index of the 15 bamboo species (P< 0.01), of which Bambusa multiplex cv ‘Silverstripe’ has the largest shoot number and the strongest shooting ability, and the four bamboo species of B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus sapidus, B. vulgaris cv.‘Vittata’ and D. daii have relatively large growth and can be used as timber bamboo species; the shoot production and the growth of B. textilis cv. ‘Maculata’ are relatively large, which is an ideal high-economic-value bamboo species.

英文关键词 bamboo species;introduction;adaptability;shooting ability;dry-hot valley;Baise city,Guangxi

起始页码 40

截止页码 44

作者简介 莫明锋,在读研究生,研究方向为森林培育。E-mail:915197790@qq.com。

DOI 10.12168/sjzttx.2021.03.007

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