
Komodo National Park


遗产英文名Komodo National Park

遗产中文名 科莫多国家公园

国家英文名 Indonesia

经纬度S8 32 35.988 E119 29 21.984


遗产面积 219322ha


国家中文名 印尼

地区 亚洲和太平洋地区(APA)

中文介绍  这里的火山岛上生活着大约5700只巨大蜥蜴。它们因为外观和好斗而被称作“科莫多龙”,世界其他地方尚未发现它们的生存踪迹。这些蜥蜴引起了研究进化论的科学家们的极大兴趣。这里,干旱的热带大草原上高低不平的山坡,棘手多刺的绿色植被凹地和壮丽的白色沙滩,与珊瑚上涌动的蓝色海水形成了鲜明对照。
source: UNESCO/ERI
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

英文介绍  These volcanic islands are inhabited by a population of around 5,700 giant lizards, whose appearance and aggressive behaviour have led to them being called 'Komodo dragons'. They exist nowhere else in the world and are of great interest to scientists studying the theory of evolution. The rugged hillsides of dry savannah and pockets of thorny green vegetation contrast starkly with the brilliant white sandy beaches and the blue waters surging over coral.
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

资料来源联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心(UNESCO World Heritage Centre)

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